A5 Kagoshima Wagyu

A5 Wagyu Strip Steaks From Kagoshima, Japan Through Crowd Cow

A while back, I’ve ordered a set of Japanese A5 Wagyu strip steaks from Kagoshima through Crowd Cow. These guys aren’t cheap at $119 per slice of 12 oz. ¾” thick strips (they are now $140 as of this writing). We were saving them for very special occasions with friends and family and finally had the opportunity to slice up a half of an A5 steak just for the occasion. So rather than preparing it Western style by tossing the steak on a grill, I sliced them up into 1″ by 4″ strips and prepared them Japanese style by quick searing the strips (1 min one side, 30 seconds opposite side) over high heat and then letting it rest for 5 minutes.

A5 Kagoshima Wagyu

Afterward, I sliced up each strips into ¼” thick diagonal cuts against the bias and served them as appetizer for our guests. The other set, well, we saved it for ourselves and enjoyed it on our 10th year anniversary in 2018, up in Jenner, CA.

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