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First Appetizer Recipe Featuring Chinese Pork Dumplings

First Appetizer Recipe Featuring Chinese Pork Dumplings

We have ways to go to fill up all of our food categories. We added our first dessert recipe over 3 months ago! Today, we’re adding a traditional Chinese staple, the steamed pork dumpling! Appetizers are suppose to be a simple filler before the grand entree, and this simple basic steamed pork dumpling recipe will […]

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The Venerable Balut (Fertilized Duck Egg) and How to Eat It!

The Venerable Balut (Fertilized Duck Egg) and How to Eat It!

It wouldn’t be right to call ourselves the Balut Crew without featuring an article on how to eat balut, right? Balut is essentially fertilized duck or chicken egg, best enjoyed when the embryo has developed to the point where it is about 3 days from hatching. Balut is easy to produce and is a form of […]

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