Easy Pork Sinigang

Wet Winter Calls for Soup and Stew Based Recipes!


Besides our blog being off to a slow start, winter this year is off to a wet start! We’ve been getting a consistent anStuffed Bd constant amount of rain. This is welcome news as the state of California has been in a drought for the past five years. Good news however, 42% of the Golden State is now federally deemed drought free. Snow pack in the Sierras is 70% of the normal state as of January 3 and we are expecting more snow.

What does all this have to do with cooking? Soup-based recipes of course! Nothing beats winding down during a cold, wet winter with a bowl of our favorite soup recipe that is delicious and hardy. We would like to feature our easy to make Filipino pork based Sinigang soup and Chinese stuffed bitter gourd soup (Kǔguā tāng) to warm the soul during the chilly and wet days of winter.

Easy Pork Sinigang

Easy Pork Sinigang

Stuffed Bitter Gourd Soup

Stuffed Bitter Gourd Soup

Chinese Black Chicken Herbal Soup

Chinese Black Chicken Herbal Soup

The ingredients for both recipes are very cheap but yield plenty of servings and are both easy to make. Stay tuned in the following weeks for our recipes. In subsequent weeks, we’ll feature Chinese black chicken herbal soup to our growing soup recipes!

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